
Why you may have been reading your horoscope wrong

By Caitlin Booth

Billion Photos/Shutterstock.com

Breaking: We’ve all been reading our horoscopes wrong.

I know, you can’t possibly have been reading your horoscope wrong all these years. Maybe you’re a committed Scorpio and last week’s horoscope told you that a ‘goal you’ve been working towards might finally near fulfilment’ and it was right – You’re so close to finishing all seven Harry Potter films on Netflix. You’re passionate, creative and independent and won’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Or maybe you’re a Gemini, and you and your twin brother both display strong traits of your sign, such as having two concurrent personalities in the same body. You identify with this strongly because yes, you can be fun and outgoing, but also have moments of seriousness and quiet reflection. You must be a Gemini, no doubt about it.

But I’m very sorry, your world is about to be turned upside down, dear Scorpio. Hold on to your hat my Gemini pal, because popular knowledge has failed you. This whole time you’ve been ignoring one very important aspect of the zodiac.

The Moon.


Dictating ego, identity and ‘role’ in life, our sun signs are the basis of popular personalized astrology. HOWEVER – it’s our moon sign that supposedly dictates our emotions, moods and feelings. Now I don’t know about you, but if I’m feeling angsty or fragile because the cat I tried to pat on my way to work flat out ran from me on approach, I’m probably not going to be feeling too creative or independent for the rest of the day.

Ergo, our emotions have a significant impact on our identity day-to-day. Ergo, again, our moon sign is just as, if not more, important than our sun sign. So my dear Scorpio, you may want to add a little cow next to that scorpion tattoo of yours, because I’m sorry to say that you may be feisty and fiery, but you’re probably also stable and responsible, because that Taurus moon of yours is putting a dent in your bad girl identity.

And my steadfast Gemini, you might want to talk this one through with your twin over there, because that Aries moon of yours throws in another layer of complexity to your identity. Maybe the idea of a concurrent personality that you always attributed to your sun sign might just be an indication that you’re just a normal, complex human.

If this concept has sent you spinning off your centre, maybe try consulting your daily horoscope for some advice moving forward. After all, you’ve got two signs to help you out now.